
Find exercises and resources that propel nonprofits forward to tackle leadership challenges, integrate service and social change, and work together to build movement momentum. Feel free to adapt these tools to your needs.

California’s Race to Lead: The Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap in the Golden State

August 2, 2018

This report compares responses from nonprofit staff in California with nonprofit staffers in all other states. The report includes five recommendations to increase and sustain diverse leadership of California’s nonprofits.

Recognizing All Families to Expand Our Movements: Insights from the Family Justice Network

August 1, 2018

This report explores the success of family recognition organizing campaigns in Georgia and New Mexico that were funded and stewarded by Family Justice Network partners. In each place, recent efforts […]

Working Towards the Common Good 2016: Findings from the New Mexico Nonprofit Survey

August 15, 2017

This report analyzes 2016 New Mexico Nonprofit Survey responses. It’s a snapshot of the work that nonprofits do to support New Mexico’s communities, the key issues they are working on, the opportunities and challenges they face, and how they work together to advocate for the common good.

Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap Executive Summary

August 15, 2017

Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap Executive Summary can be found at! The report builds on data from BMP’s Nonprofits, Leadership, and Race Survey, conducted […]

Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap

August 15, 2017

This report builds on data from Building Movement Project’s Race to Lead survey, conducted with more than 4,000 respondents across the nonprofit sector. This report, the second in the Race to Lead series, analyzes experiences of respondents who identified as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ).

Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap Executive Summary

August 8, 2017

Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap Executive Summary, the first in the Race to Lead series, is based on BMP’s 2016 survey of over 4,000 nonprofit professionals. The […]

Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap

August 8, 2017

This report, based on the 2016 Race to Lead survey, compares people of color and white respondents’ backgrounds, leadership aspirations, training and attitudes toward leadership. The survey findings challenge the nonprofit sector’s approach to the racial leadership gap.

Fighting for Equity in Development: The Story of Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance

August 6, 2017

This report documents Equitable Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance campaign and strategies. Community leaders in other cities can use these lessons from Detroit in pursuing their own CBO campaigns.

Working Towards the Common Good 2015: Findings from the New Mexico Nonprofit Survey

August 15, 2016

This report analyzes 2015 New Mexico Nonprofit Survey responses. It’s a snapshot of the work that nonprofits do to support New Mexico’s communities, the key issues they are working on, the opportunities and challenges they face, and how they work together to advocate for the common good.

The Long Goodbye: Advice, How-Tos and Cautionary Tales for Extended Leadership Exits

August 12, 2016

This report helps organizations and their leaders take practical steps to reflect on assumptions, motives, and needs to create workable solutions for managing an extended leadership transition.

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