
Find exercises and resources that propel nonprofits forward to tackle leadership challenges, integrate service and social change, and work together to build movement momentum. Feel free to adapt these tools to your needs.

Social Service and Social Change: A Process Guide

August 1, 2006

This guidebook was developed for staff and board members of nonprofit service organizations who are interested in learning how to incorporate progressive social change values and practices into their work. […]

Up Next: Generation Change and the Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations

August 14, 2005

This monograph reports on the findings of a study conducted by the Building Movement Project on generational differences in leadership in small- and mid-sized social change organizations. The monograph also details […]

Social Service, Social Change: Lessons from Detroit

August 12, 2005

In the spring of 2003, the Building Movement Project brought together several nonprofit executive directors in Detroit to talk about the challenges they faced in their work. Their organizations covered […]

Generational Leadership Listening Sessions

August 6, 2005

In 2004, the Building Movement Project convened Generational Leadership Listening Sessions (GLLS) with young nonprofit leaders in nine cities to explore critical questions in the context of leadership transition from […]

Up Next: Generation Change and the Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations

August 5, 2005

This monograph reports on the findings of a study conducted by the Building Movement Project on generational differences in leadership in small- and mid-sized social change organizations.  The monograph also […]

Generational Changes and Leadership: Implications for Social Change Organizations

August 6, 2002

The Generational Change project (© 2002) was conceived as a way to investigate and understand differences between older and younger people working in progressive social change organizations in the nonprofit […]

Building Movement vs. Building Organization: Summary of Regional Discussions

August 2, 2001

In 2001, the Building Movement Project (at the time called “Building Movement In(to) the Nonprofit Sector Project”) held seven regional meetings in the spring and fall to explore the intersection […]

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