What Race is Your Organization?

Written by Sean Thomas-Breitfeld Race is often a hard thing to talk about, especially in increasingly multicultural nonprofit organizations where there may not be an obvious numeric majority; and it […]

Organizations and Leadership

Written by Frances Kunreuther Recently, we have been getting a lot of requests to talk about two of our reports that came out a few years ago, Structuring Leadership: Alternative Models […]

Coming Home Again

Written by Tina Law Growing up, I was part of a number of youth programs designed to help me and other kids of color in our predominantly low-income neighborhood to […]

Surprise! Boomers are Aging

Written by Frances Kunreuther Even though we’re not going back to school, we at the Building Movement Project have entered the fall thinking about the year ahead. We are meeting […]

The Debate About Boards

Written by Sean Thomas-Breitfeld I recently attended the biennial conference of the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT). This year, GIFT held the Money for our Movements conference in Baltimore, and more than […]

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