
Find exercises and resources that propel nonprofits forward to tackle leadership challenges, integrate service and social change, and work together to build movement momentum. Feel free to adapt these tools to your needs.

The Environmental Movement

August 28, 2013

Historical Outline Important Groups: Greenpeace350.orgFriends of the EarthGreenactionCenter for Health Environment and JusticeNational Wildlife InstituteWorldwatch Institute

The LGBT Movement

August 28, 2013

Historical Outline Important Groups: Mattachine Society ONE Gay Liberation Front

The Civil Rights Movement

August 28, 2013

Historical Outline Important Groups: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Southern Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

The Women’s Movement

August 28, 2013

Historical Outline Important Groups: National/American Women’s Suffrage Movement Women Strike for Peace National Organization for Women (NOW) New York Radical Women Redstockings Ms. Foundation for Women

The Labor Movement

August 28, 2013

Historical Outline      See also: NPR’s history of the Labor Movement Important Groups: United Auto Workers Industrial Workers of the World AFL/CIO

Theory and Definition of Terms: An Outline of What We Think are the 5 Basic Stages of Movement Building

August 28, 2013

Making Visible the Invisible While issues that movements are built around are not invisible to those living with the effects, this stage is meant for raising general awareness about the […]

Making Social Change: Case Studies of Nonprofit Service Providers

August 26, 2013

Building Movement Project developed this set of case studies as a response to numerous requests from groups looking for real-life examples of the often-challenging process of incorporating social change models […]

Organizational v. Movement Building Capacity

August 15, 2013

How do organizations develop strategies and structures to facilitate the process of building momentum towards social change, and when do strategies and structures hurt this momentum? This fact sheet from […]

Measuring Authentic Demand

August 15, 2013

This excerpt from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Sustaining Neighborhood Change report highlights the importance of data as a tool in the community change process.  It also outlines a process […]


August 15, 2013

IMPACT Arts is a resource center designed to help arts organizations evaluate and report the social or civic outcomes of creative work that aims to make social change.  Although the site […]

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