
* Theory of Social Change: Many service agencies use some sort of theory of change to articulate their service provision goals. This exercise uses this familiar framework to help organizations develop an analysis and clear goals around their approach to social change. (Adapted from Theory of Social Change exercise from the Power Tools Manual developed by SCOPE).
* Community Problems and Root Causes: This exercise helps service providers and other stakeholders develop a shared analysis and a collective vision by connecting the work of their agency to both community problems and systemic issues.
* What does Social Change Look Like? This creative exercise uses a series of images as prompts for a conversation about what group members associate with the term “social change”. (Adapted from the Visual Explorer® exercise developed by the Organizational Culture and Practice of the Board: Creating Access and Success for all: This exercise focuses on how to make your board and board meetings more accessible for diverse groups. The planning and survey process identifies obstacles and potential solutions through small group idea proposal sessions, which are then posited to the larger group for consensus and planning phases. (Developed by Margi Clarke and Emily Goldfarb, consultants to social change organizations.)
* Racial Equity Tools: This is an online database of tools to support people and groups who are working for inclusion, racial equity and social justice. The site includes ideas, strategies and tips, as well as a clearinghouse of resources and links from many sources. (Racial Equity Tools has been developed and is maintained by the Center for Assessment and Policy Development and MP Associates)
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