Tools for Social Change: Assessing Your Work


Assessing Your Work

*Evaluation Work for Racial Equity: This toolkit offers a comprehensive set of resources for groups “Who want to know more about how to do evaluation; Who are working on changing their communities; and Who want to be certain that their evaluations take into account issues of racism, power, privilege, and oppression…” It offers practical evaluation tools in addition to background information to help familiarize groups with the value and process of evaluation. (Evaluation Tools for Racial Equity has been developed and is maintained by the Center for Assessment and Policy Development and MP Associates)

IMPACT Arts: IMPACT Arts is a resource center designed to help arts organizations evaluate and report the social or civic outcomes of creative work that aims to make social change.  Although the site is intended for arts-focused organizations, many of the resources offered are applicable to the work of a wide variety of service agencies interested social change work. (IMPACT Arts was developed as part of the Animating Arts Program of Americans for the Arts)

Measuring Authentic Demand: This excerpt from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Sustaining Neighborhood Change report highlights the importance of data as a tool in the community change process.  It also outlines a process for developing a data collection and analysis plan that aligns with the Authentic Demand framework described in the full report. (From the report Sustaining Neighborhood Change: The Power of Resident Leadership, Social Networks, and Community Mobilization developed through the Making Connections Initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation)

Developmental Evaluation: This tool offers a clear, concise introduction to the evaluation framework known as Developmental Evaluation, developed and popularized by researcher Michael Quinn Patton.  (Written and published through the J.W. McConnell Foundation)

Overview of Current Advocacy Evaluation Practice: This brief offers an overview of current practice in the new and now rapidly growing field of advocacy evaluation. It highlights the kinds of approaches being used, offers specific examples of how they are being used and who is using them, and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. (Developed by the Center for Evaluation Innovation)

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