29th Annual CCDSWE Conference | Staying Woke and Staying Well: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Social Work Career Development


Featured topics and speakers include: Social Change Ecosystem with Deepa Iyer Intercultural Communication Skills in Career Services with Donna Harris, LCSW Assessing Employer Commitment to DEI with Dr. Tierney Bates Professional Sustainability and Trauma Stewardship with Dr. Janet Shapiro Co-hosted by University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy and Practice and Bryn Mawr College, Graduate […]

$50 – $150

YWCA 2021 Racial Justice Summit – Moving from Talking to Action


ABOUT THE SESSION: What will it take to move from talking to action as it relates to race equity, leadership, and supporting nonprofit leaders of color? Join Sean Thomas-Breitfeld (Co-Director, Building Movement Project) for a presentation and discussion on the nonprofit racial leadership gap, the impact of COVID-19 on people of color led-nonprofits, and what […]


Move The Money: What Social Change Movements Need from Philanthropy Now


Building Movement Project (BMP) invites you to join us on June 23, 2021 for the release of "Move The Money: Practices and Values for Funding Social Movements," a set of resources geared towards grantmaking institutions eager to expand and deepen their support of social change movements. During our webinar on June 23rd, we will share […]


Caregivers, Explained!

Instagram Live

Join @deepaviyer for the next IG live in our year-long series, 10 Social Change Roles, Explained. This month we’ll be exploring the strengths, areas for growth, and reflection questions for CAREGIVERS! Join us on IG live on Thursday, August 19th at 3pm ET to learn more. Turn on Instagram notifications so you know when we’re going […]


20 Years After 9/11: Lessons in Solidarity


Join the Building Movement Project and SolidarityIs for a teach-in to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and its aftermath. Members of the Solidarity Summits will share insights around deepening connections, being co-conspirators, and building towards co-liberation. WHAT: A teach-in to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and its aftermath, hosted by Building Movement Project and SolidarityIs WHO: […]


Women of Color in Philanthropy: Centering Community and Advancing Equity in New Mexico


Join the Building Movement Project for a conversation with four women of color in philanthropy in New Mexico. We’ll hear about their experiences and pathways into the sector, how they build connections and center community needs, as well as their roles in challenging the status quo and advancing equity in New Mexico. The conversation will […]


Trading Glass Ceilings for Glass Cliffs: A Conversation with Black Nonprofit Leaders


Join the Building Movement Project for a conversation about how Black leaders are navigating the nonprofit sector. We will explore key findings from BMP’s newest report on nonprofit executives of color, and share opportunities and recommendations for foundations to invest in and support BIPOC leaders. BMP's Co-Executive Director Sean Thomas-Breitfeld will moderate a panel discussion […]

“My Role in the Social Justice Ecosystem” – Youth & Young Leaders Virtual Summit on addressing religious discrimination in our classrooms & communities


On Sunday, February 27th from 3:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Shoulder to Shoulder, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), and Seeds of Peace are coming together to host a Youth & Young Adult Virtual Summit on addressing religious discrimination in our classrooms and communities. This interactive convening will be a chance for youth and young leaders to connect […]


Funding Movement Building in New Mexico


Join the Building Movement Project for a conversation with philanthropy and movement leaders in New Mexico on "Move The Money: Practices and Values for Funding Social Movements." Panelists will explore how they work with and within grantmaking institutions to expand and deepen their support of organizations, networks, and leaders involved with social change movements. Moderator: Alicia […]


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