The #BMPRaceSurvey Closes with Over 4,000 Responses


Written by Noelia Mann

We are pleased to announce that the 2016 Nonprofits, Leadership and Race Survey has officially surpassed its goal of 4,000 responses! When we launched the survey on March 1st, we set a goal of 2,000 responses, but we received such wonderful support from our partners and colleagues in the field, that we soon set our sights much higher…and doubled our goal! In just over 12 weeks, we surpassed this new goal as well. We are so grateful for the support we’ve received and are excited to begin analyzing the data.

As you probably already know, the #BMPRaceSurvey was a first of its kind, confidential survey that was open to all U.S.-based nonprofit staff and board members. The survey questions focused on experiences at work, views of leadership, and perspectives on nonprofits and race. Preliminary data is revealing some interesting findings, including that our response pool was very diverse, with 41% of respondents self-identifying as people of color and 20% identifying as LGBTQ, and represented staff from a wide range of nonprofit types, including service (19%), advocacy (14%), arts/culture (6%), education (14%) and organizing (2.5%). Furthermore, reading through the hundreds of write-in responses we received is already shedding light on challenges that some nonprofit staff – particularly people of color – face as they try to climb the ladder to more senior positions in the sector.

We look forward to diving into the survey data over the summer, holding focus groups to help us interpret the data, and being back in touch with our supporters to report on our findings in the Spring of 2017.

We gratefully acknowledge our partners in this survey effort: the Annie E. Casey Foundation and a range of organizations who helped distribute the survey, especially: Young Nonprofit Professionals Network, Public Allies, National Council of La Raza, Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, National Council of Nonprofits, CompassPoint, Americorps Alums, CenterLink, Campaign for Black Male Achievement, Rockwood Leadership Institute, and many more.

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