Strengthening the bridge between social change theory and practice for new and established activists, advocates, and nonprofit staff, The Solidarity School is an online community of practice grounded in a solidarity framework that provides political analysis and individual and organizational practices that strengthen social change movements.Â
Participants will gain the knowledge and tools to:
- Develop an individual solidarity statement and personal growth goals based on the social change ecosystem map
- Sharpen collective or organizational solidarity practices rooted in case studies from the fieldÂ
- Access campaign strategies based on their alignment with solidarity principles and ideas for course-correction, when necessaryÂ
- Navigate conflict and movement cultureÂ
The Solidarity School offers three (3) free courses every calendar year.
- Spring Solidarity Semester: Designed for emerging youth leaders aged 18-25 across the country who are ready to take action for social change and are looking for ways to get involved on campus, online, and in their communities.
- Summer Solidarity School: Designed for people ages 18-25 who are interested in working in the nonprofit sector or who are within their 1-3 years of working in nonprofits.  Â
- Fall or Winter Solidarity School: Designed for people who have 3-5 years of experience in the nonprofit sector.Â
We are in the process of determining when a course for people with more than 5 years of experience can be offered.Â
How to aPPLY
Some of the courses will be open to everyone who is interested and some will require an application.Â
Please subscribe to our mailing list and indicate which offering you are interested in to receive updates when the applications are posted.
The Building Movement Project and Solidarity Is have hosted two Solidarity Semesters together so far: Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. Learn more about each Semester and access all the resources, recordings, and more below.
The Spring 2021 Solidarity Semester started on March 24th, 2021 and ended on April 21st, 2021. In addition to weekly livestreams on YouTube and Facebook, we also hosted weekly "Group Chats" with participants, which were facilitated by Solidarity Semester alumni.
The topics for this Semester were:
Week 1: Mapping Your Social Change Ecosystem
Week 2: How Can We Build Connections & Commonalities in Addressing Anti-Asian Violence?
Week 3: How Can We Act as Co-Conspirators with Black Migrants?
Week 4: How Can We Center the Most Impacted by Climate Crises?
Week 5: Building a Vision of Co-Liberation
Watch all the recordings and access the materials here.
FALL 2020
The Fall 2020 Solidarity Semester started on September 15, 2020 and ended on October 15, 2020. Each week, we held sessions via Zoom and invited participants to tune in to interviews with social change leaders on Instagram Live (@buildingmovementproject).
The topics for this Semester were:
Week 1: What’s Your Social Change Role?
Week 2: Solidarity in Action
Week 3: Solidarity in Practice
Week 4: Self-Care and Community-Care
Week 5: Exploring My Social Change Ecosystem
Watch all the recordings and access the materials here.