Executive Summary: On the Frontlines

This Executive Summary provides a sampling of the data and findings from On the Frontlines: Nonprofits Led by People of Color Confront COVID-19 and Structural Racism based on data collected from a survey of over 400 nonprofit executive directors and CEOs of color from across the United States. These leaders answered questions about the effects of COVID-19 on their communities, organizations and themselves, and shared insights related to both COVID-19 and anti-Black racism.

The report focuses how POC-led nonprofits continue to be on the frontlines of response and recovery efforts related to both the pandemic and the calls for systemic change. Despite their programs and strategies shifting in dramatic ways, these nonprofits are refusing to return to business as usual and are instead charting new paths for systemic change, solidarity, and sustainability.

For a deeper analysis and recommendations, download the full report.

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