
Find exercises and resources that propel nonprofits forward to tackle leadership challenges, integrate service and social change, and work together to build movement momentum. Feel free to adapt these tools to your needs.

New Roles, Few Rules: Planning for Purpose Beyond Position

August 7, 2014

New Roles, Few Rules tells a vivid story about transitions of long-term nonprofit executive leaders who built, and often founded, their organizations.

Introduction: Roles & Tasks for Each Generation

August 29, 2013

Tools in this Section: Reflections on My Roles and SupportsNew Lifecycle of WorkVision for Change Introduction: Differences in how generations approach leadership are based not only on each cohort’s experiences but […]

Key Readings

August 28, 2013

A few pieces that have been particularly helpful in our own study of movement building Building Organizations in a Movement Moment (Beth Zemsky and David Mann) Zemsky and Mann use the […]

The Center for Popular Democracy

August 28, 2013

The Center for Popular Democracy promotes equity, opportunity and a dynamic democracy in partnership with base-building organizations local and state networks, and progressive unions across the country. 

The Movement Strategy Center

August 28, 2013

The Movement Strategy Center is helping build the movement for social and racial justice by increasing the capacity of individuals, organizations, alliances and sectors to be more strategic, collaborative and sustainable. 

Center for Community Change

August 28, 2013

The Center for Community Change strengthens, connects and mobilizes grassroots groups to enhance their leadership, voice and power. They seek to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people […]

Community Coalition

August 28, 2013

Community Coalition works to help transform the social and economic conditions in South LA that foster addiction, crime, violence and poverty.  They work mainly with African American and Latino residents to […]

Southwest Organizing Project

August 28, 2013

SWOP seeks to empower communities in the Southwest to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice.  They work primarily in low-income communities of color to help residents gain […]

Project South

August 28, 2013

Based in Atlanta, Project South is a grassroots organization that cultivates community leaders to confront injustice. Focusing on communities of color in the US South that have been historically under-served or neglected, […]

Occupy Wall Street

August 28, 2013

The OWS movement that spread across the country in the fall of 2010 brought the term “income inequality” into the national vocabulary.  Here are some useful resources for more information […]

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