Builders, Explained

Instagram Live

Join @deepaviyer for our third IG live in the year-long series, 10 Social Change Roles, Explained. This month we'll be exploring the strengths, areas for growth, and reflection questions for BUILDERS! Join us on IG live on Tuesday, April 27th at 4:30pm ET to learn more. Turn on Instagram notifications so you know when we're going […]


Healers, Explained

Instagram Live

Join @deepaviyer for the fourth IG live in the year-long series, 10 Social Change Roles, Explained. This month we’ll be exploring the strengths, areas for growth, and reflection questions for HEALERS! We'll also hear from healing justice practitioner Richael Faithful (@richael_faithful_folk_healer). Join us on IG live on Tuesday, May 25th at 12pm ET to learn more. […]


Caregivers, Explained!

Instagram Live

Join @deepaviyer for the next IG live in our year-long series, 10 Social Change Roles, Explained. This month we’ll be exploring the strengths, areas for growth, and reflection questions for CAREGIVERS! Join us on IG live on Thursday, August 19th at 3pm ET to learn more. Turn on Instagram notifications so you know when we’re going […]


“My Role in the Social Justice Ecosystem” – Youth & Young Leaders Virtual Summit on addressing religious discrimination in our classrooms & communities


On Sunday, February 27th from 3:00 - 5:00 pm ET, Shoulder to Shoulder, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), and Seeds of Peace are coming together to host a Youth & Young Adult Virtual Summit on addressing religious discrimination in our classrooms and communities. This interactive convening will be a chance for youth and young leaders to connect […]


Funding Movement Building in New Mexico


Join the Building Movement Project for a conversation with philanthropy and movement leaders in New Mexico on "Move The Money: Practices and Values for Funding Social Movements." Panelists will explore how they work with and within grantmaking institutions to expand and deepen their support of organizations, networks, and leaders involved with social change movements. Moderator: Alicia […]


What is the role of healing in social transformation?


Join this free community conversation between Deepa Iyer, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at Building Movement Project, and Nanci Luna Jiménez, Founder and President at Luna Jiménez Institute for Social Transformation (LJIST), moderated by Victoria Tung, LJIST Associate. Deepa and Nanci will explore the role of "Healers" in Deepa's Social Change Ecosystem Framework as well as Nanci's framework for healing as the missing link in […]


Reckoning with Sustainability


Join us on Wednesday, May 29th at 1 pm ET for a webinar highlighting themes from our recent report, Reckoning with Sustainability: Black Leaders Reflect on 2020, the Funding Cliff, and Organizing Infrastructure. The webinar will include a panel with BMP’s Adaku Utah and Sean Thomas-Breitfeld, co-authors of the report, in conversation with Toni-Michelle Williams, […]

Webinar | Blocking the Backlash


Join us on Tuesday, September 10 at 2 pm ET for a webinar highlighting themes from our recent Race to Lead report, Blocking the Backlash: The Positive Impact of DEI in Nonprofit Organizations. This report investigates the impact of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) on nonprofit staff and their organizations using data from the 2022 […]


Protecting Cross-Racial Solidarity: Countering Attacks on Each Other


Threats to democracy continue to shape attacks on us and each other. In the face of polarizing political leadership, rising ethnocentrism, voter suppression, media propaganda and increasing legal attacks on racial equity, cross-racial solidarity can feel more fragile than ever. While social justice movements have brought diverse communities together to build power, we also face […]

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