Conversations with Social Entrepreneurs: 2010 and Beyond – San Francisco

Join in a dialogue with the Building Moving Project, Commongood Careers, and a select group of nonprofit leaders to engage in a dialogue about our collective opportunities, challenges and strategies, as well as the role that talent and leadership will play during these pivotal times. This series of breakfast conversations will convene in the coming […]

“What Works” in Nonprofits: A Focus Group in D.C.

Building Movement Project and have conducted a survey to identify organizational practices in nonprofits that create a positive workplace, build leadership, and respect the skills and contributions of employees. We are now hosting focus groups around the country to hear more about what allows you to do your best work both in your current […]

Conversations with Social Entrepreneurs: 2010 and Beyond – Boston

Join in a dialogue with the Building Moving Project, Commongood Careers, and a select group of nonprofit leaders to engage in a dialogue about our collective opportunities, challenges and strategies, as well as the role that talent and leadership will play during these pivotal times. This series of breakfast conversations will convene in the coming […]

Conversations with Social Entrepreneurs: 2010 and Beyond – New York City

Join in a dialogue with the Building Moving Project, Commongood Careers, and a select group of nonprofit leaders to engage in a dialogue about our collective opportunities, challenges and strategies, as well as the role that talent and leadership will play during these pivotal times. This series of breakfast conversations will convene in the coming weeks […]

Working Across Generations Authors in Los Angeles, CA

Join authors Frances Kunreuther, Helen Kim, and Robby Rodriguez for a book signing of Working Across Generations: Defining the Future of Nonprofit Leadership. Connect with colleagues and friends and hear about the type of leadership we need to move forward in these historic times and the ways we can work together in multigenerational settings.

Independent Sector Annual Conference: NGEN Panel

Building Movement Project Director, Frances Kunreuther, and Director of Civic Engagement, Trish Tchume, will be participating in an exciting and relevant NGEN panel discussion titled, Working Effectively with Every Generation, at the 2009 Independent Sector Conference. Join this session for ideas on how to better understand multi-generational leadership within your organization, develop mutual mentoring and peer coaching opportunities, and […]

Canadian Community for Dialogue Deliberation (C2D2) Annual Conference

See Trish Tchume, Director of Civic Engagement, and Building Movement Project Team Member, Linda Campbell at the upcoming Canadian Community for Dialogue Deliberation (C2D2) annual conference in Toronto. Trish and Linda will be presenting on “Learning Circles” as a starting point for incorporating social change models into social service and social change work. The purpose of these Circles is to […]

National Industries for the Blind Annual Training Conference

Catch Frances Kunreuther, Director of Building Movement Project at National Industries for the Blind's Annual Training Conference. Frances will be speaking on the dramatic shifts taking place in the workplace as Baby Boomers age, and will discuss how to understand the different generations and prepare for the multigenerational workplace.

A Better Deal

Today's young adults are the first generation in a century who are not likely to be better off than their parents. Compared to previous generations, young people in their 20s and 30s earn less, carry more debt and pay more for everything from health care to housing. Please join the Building Movement Project and hundreds […]

Working Across Generations Authors in Portland, OR

Join Frances Kunreuther, Helen Kim, and Robby Rodriguez in Portland, OR for an interactive conversation outlining the type of leadership we need in these historic times. This workshop will provide participants with tools and ideas for how to practice inter-generational leadership in their organizations, including common stumbling blocks and ways to begin the conversation.

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