Change starts with us and our families. Racism is a difficult issue to discuss, especially within our own families. This Black History Month, we are honored to partner with the Leadership Conference Education Fund’s “Black Justice is Our Justice” campaign to host #LeadershipConvos 2, a conversation about teaching our kids to be leaders within our […]
Join us in conversation with Deepa Iyer from the Building Movement Project as we explore our roles in advancing social change. We will learn about and apply a framework to better understand how we can show up for social change and how to strengthen the ecosystems that support us. Deepa is a writer, strategist, and […]
Join the Building Movement Project for a webinar to reconnect with New Mexico leaders of color and hold a discussion on how, one year later, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact their work and communities. Moderator: Alicia Lueras Maldonado, President & CEO of Atlixco Productions, LLC; Consultant at BMP Panelists: • Johana Bencomo, Director of […]
As we mark the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 shutdowns in the US this March, we welcome you to join us for a conversation with four nonprofit leaders of color on how to ensure a just and equitable recovery and rebuild. We will reflect on the crises and challenges of the past year and learn how […]
The Solidarity Semester is a free, five-week online training school for emerging youth leaders (aged 18-25) across the country who are ready to take action for social change and are looking for ways to get involved on campus, online, and in your communities. With extreme weather events, the rise of anti-Asian violence, deportations of Black […]
Join @deepaviyer for the second IG live in our year-long series, 10 Social Change Roles, Explained. This month, we’re catching up with BMP Co-Director Frances Kunreuther and Solidarity Semester alum @pebblz8 to talk about GUIDES! What are best practices for guides? How can you move into a guiding role? Join us on IG live on Tuesday, March […]
The Solidarity Semester is a free, five-week online training school for emerging youth leaders (aged 18-25) across the country who are ready to take action for social change and are looking for ways to get involved on campus, online, and in your communities. With extreme weather events, the rise of anti-Asian violence, deportations of Black […]
The Solidarity Semester is a free, five-week online training school for emerging youth leaders (aged 18-25) across the country who are ready to take action for social change and are looking for ways to get involved on campus, online, and in your communities. With extreme weather events, the rise of anti-Asian violence, deportations of Black […]
The Solidarity Semester is a free, five-week online training school for emerging youth leaders (aged 18-25) across the country who are ready to take action for social change and are looking for ways to get involved on campus, online, and in your communities. With extreme weather events, the rise of anti-Asian violence, deportations of Black […]
The Solidarity Semester is a free, five-week online training school for emerging youth leaders (aged 18-25) across the country who are ready to take action for social change and are looking for ways to get involved on campus, online, and in your communities. With extreme weather events, the rise of anti-Asian violence, deportations of Black […]