Webinar Recap: Racial Wealth Learning Simulation


Written by Noelia Mann

This piece is a follow-up to a recent Tools to Engage webinar hosted by the Building Movement Project.

The Building Movement Project (BMP) recently hosted a webinar designed to help listeners gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of hunger and the connections between racial equity, hunger, poverty, and wealth.

In an interview with simulation designer Marlysa D. Gamblin, Domestic Advisor for Policy and Programs, Specific Populations at Bread for the World we learned about Bread’s new Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation—an interactive tool that helps people talk about race and learn about the importance of racial equity. Simulation user Marla Karina Larrave, Associate Director for Grassroots Advocacy at National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, then shared her organization’s experience of applying the tool and the external and internal impacts of the application, as well as challenges and lessons learned along the way.

In case you missed the webinar, we’ve made it easy to watch a recording and download a PDF of the slides.

Below, please find the resources mentioned on the webinar:

  1. The Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation
  2. The Video
  3. The Facilitator’s Guide
  4. The Policy Packet
  5. Race to Lead

The Tools to Engage Webinar series:

This is the fourth of a series of Tools to Engage webinars BMP has been hosting over the last year. The purpose of the webinar is to lift up the work organizations across the country are doing to integrate social change practices. In so doing, we hope to offer ‘living case studies” for those seeking to address root causes and engage constituents more effectively. The series works in tandem with our website, tools2engage.org, which houses a selection of over 100 tools, carefully curated to meet the needs of constituents, clients, organizational leaders, capacity builders, consultants, staff, and boards to both provide services and nurture the voice and power of residents to thrive. Please visit tools2engage.org to learn more.

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