Nonprofits and Social Change


If you are associated with a nonprofit or service provider that is interested in increasing its social change work, you’ve come to the right place.  BMP works to help nonprofits extend their work beyond programs and direct service delivery to social change and advocacy on behalf of clients.  Below are some of our resources that you will probably find most helpful.

Social Service/Social Change Project Page
Here you’ll find tools for how to transform service organizations and their larger networks to include social change/justice activities.  The goal is to build communities where citizens are engaged, empowered, and assertive, and service organizations are more inclusive, transparent and responsive.

Social Service/Social Change: A Process Guide
Social Service and Social Change: A Process Guide was developed for staff and board members of non-profit service organizations who are interested in learning how to incorporate progressive social change values and practices into their work, using step-by-step processes to identify how to address systemic problems through social change work within the context of their usual services and activities, and how to decide which strategies and actions will work best for them.

Catalysts for Change
Catalysts for Change: How California Nonprofits Can Deliver Direct Services and Transform Communities offers a snapshot of how California-based health and human service providers engage in activities beyond services to address the causes of the problems facing their constituents. The Report presents the findings from a survey of more than 450 California nonprofit service providers, describing the ways in which these groups are (or are not) integrating practices into their work. The Case Studies provide an in-depth look at several California-based health and social service providers that are engaging in non-service activities to address systemic issues in their communities.
Case Studies

Organizational v. Movement Building Capacity
How do organizations develop strategies and structures to facilitate the process of building momentum towards social change, and when do strategies and structures hurt this momentum?  While both forms of capacity building are important, this fact sheet from BMP highlights some key differences between capacity building for organizational sustainability and capacity building for social justice and change.

Alliances for Change: Organizing in the 21st Century
Workers’ centers, youth-based action groups, and urban justice organizations are among those changing the face of traditional community organizing. This report looks at nearly a dozen examples of organizing efforts rising to scale and adapting to the urgent challenges and political opportunities at the beginning of the 21st century.

From the Ground Up: Grassroots Organizations Making Social Change
Social-change organizations operate in communities all over the United States, but little has been written about the details of their operations. This book, co-written by Building Movement Project Director Frances Kunreuther, takes a close look at how these organizations address challenges related to leadership, staff development, resource needs, decision-making, and collaborations.

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