NonprofitNext Report Quotes Dir. of BMP


A new report produced by NonprofitNext, a research initiative of La Piana Consulting that explores the future of the nonprofit sector, quotes Building Movement’s Director, Frances Kunreuther on the intergenerational workplace.  In approaching the topic of generational change within nonprofits, Kunreuther insists that, “It starts with dialogue and learning how to appreciate each other… but it is more than talking. It is not just appreciation; it is about changing how the jobs are done.” 

Funded by the James Irvine Foundation, this report, by Heather Gowdy, Alex Hildebrand, David La Piana, and Melissa Mendes Campos, takes a closer look at key trends driving the future of the nonprofit sector.  The trends include generational and other demographic shifts, the rise and impact of social media and other technological advances, the growing importance of networks as a means for effecting change, the role of volunteerism and civic engagement in society, and the blurring of sector boundaries

Read the full report now!

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