BMP at Independent Sector


Written by Caroline McAndrews

This past week, staff at the Building Movement Project had the opportunity to present some of our recent work at the Independent Sector conference.  As is always the case, we learned so much from those who participated in the sessions and wanted to share a little bit of that here.

Frances, with the help of Jan Masaoka from the California Association of Nonprofits, hosted a Roundtable discussion on the 5% Shifts to Social Change for service organizations. Their very full table of over a dozen organizations — direct service groups, associations and funders – discussed a variety of issues ranging from community engagement on issues, to reaching new constituencies, to the role of volunteers in advocacy, to changing from a social service organization to a social justice organization.  We appreciated the thoughtful contributions of all the participants and were encouraged at the range of groups that are interested in extending their work to include social change. 

In addition to the roundtable on 5% shifts, Frances and Sean were featured on a panel entitled The Next Generation of Change.  Moderated by our good friend and former staffer, Trish Tchume, the panel highlighted the work of Ai-jen Poo, in Caring Across Generations, and Decker Ngongang at Echoing Green’s Black Men and Boys Initiative. The session emphasized the importance of moving the leadership conversation beyond younger vs. older to one that captures relationships, structures, and ways of engaging that align with the complexity and intersectionality that’s true today. Because Sean couldn’t be there in person, he and Frances filmed a short interview before the conference reflecting on their co-directorship including opportunities and challenges have been in implementing a shared-leadership structure.  Check out the video below.

Being in spaces like the Independent Sector conference always spark new ideas and partnerships. We look forward to exploring these questions, and will continue to share what we uncover along the way.

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